Meet Our President

Let me introduce myself.
I’ve been working in this industry since 1993 and actually at least 10 years more as part of my duties in other industries. So I know what you run into when you try to hire the RIGHT PERSON.
There is another thing I have observed and that is that when you run into difficulties you turn to PROFESSIONAL RECRUITERS. Suddenly you think miracles are going to result from that decision and you will now find a “perfect” fit or a “perfect” person. Well, guess what? Even with the professionals you rarely get “perfect.”
Everyone has their flaws…
So what can I offer you that you may not get from another Recruiter?
First and foremost I UNDERSTAND what you are looking for. Few recruiters work in the industrial manufacturing field and if they do it’s to get you a Receptionist or to fill a clerical position. Many have no idea what CNC means or can comprehend a complex ERP system let alone can tell the difference between a millwright and a machinist. This is probably the most important aspect of what I do. If anything I end up sending “over qualified” candidates. But if you’re looking for a “newbie” with the right ATTITUDE there is nothing better that the accurate ASSESSMENT TOOLS I utilize in the hiring process.
You can TRUST me. I will never betray you. I may not always find the perfect person but no matter what you think or feel, you can communicate to me and you can trust that I have your best interest at heart.
You can count on me to give an HONEST opinion on a candidate I am sending you. I’ll tell you what their strengths and weaknesses are and I won’t try to hide anything or sell you a person you don’t want.
I am EFFICIENT and will work energetically to get you the person you need in the fastest possible time; so if you’re in a hurry I’ll work with you determinedly to meet your DEADLINES. Sometimes we are both going a little too fast and overlook important details. If that ever occurs rest assured that I stand behind my GUARANTEE and will get that person properly replaced in a timely manner.
So…what have you got to lose? Only the best possible person for the position saving you TIME and MONEY!
So… give me a call and see what I can do for you. My staff and I are standing by to HELP!
Best Regards,
Wendy Smith
Accurate U-MAN Hiring Inc.